One mouse in the house
Two mice in the garage
Three mice in the barn
It was two AM on Tuesday. I woke up to the cats boisterously running through the hallway and sliding into the bedroom. They bumped into the bed, the walls, and the vertical blinds. I rolled over and drifted back to sleep.
Michael sat up and started talking, “I wonder what’s going on?”
Without looking I muttered, “They’re just playing behind the vertical blinds”
Michael crawled out of bed and carefully stepped in front of the bed, searching the shadows. “No! Something’s up.”
He came around my side of the bed and flipped on the light. “Look at Sano?”
I sat up and Sano was sitting all pretty and proud with a mouse dangling from his mouth.
“It’s fake!” I muttered and tried to lie back down.
“No, that is real” Michael laughed and Sano nodded his head so the mouse, who was being held by his tail, swung upward then came down and was hit against the rug.
Sano’s eyes narrowed; when Tomoe walked up to him and sniffed the mouse, which I need to point out was very much alive. Then Sano growled.
Tomoe glared at Sano as if she wanted to smack him. Michael immediately told me to do something about that growl.
Sorry, I have had one too many mice dropped on my chest while I slept. I am not fond of the critters. To show how much of a chicken I am, I pulled the covers over my head and told Sano to stop growling and take the mouse to his brothers, downstairs.
Instead Sano dropped the mouse. The mouse ran in a circle. Tomoe hates getting bitten so she stood a healthy distance away and just watched.
Sano played with the very fat grey and white mouse like he was playing a pinball game. He wouldn’t allow the mouse to run under the dressers, but he did let him disappear under the bed. The one I was cowering on.
I jumped out of bed and ran in a circle flapping my arms yelling at Michael, “Get that mouse out of the bedroom!” Then I headed out into the hall and called Kenshin and PJ. They recognized my frantic, Oh my! A mouse is in the house! Hysterical call and ran up the stairs to see what they were missing.
With the two older males now trying to find the mouse, I crawled back under the covers. Tomoe crouched on the edge of the bed, hanging over the side and stared at the floor and at Sano, who was carefully scooting out backwards from under the bed.
Michael muttered something I couldn’t understand. So I peeked out from beneath the blanket. He held Sano up for me to see. Sano had that mouse clenched in-between his teeth and once more swinging by its tail. Michael held Sano over the waste basket, and asked Sano to “drop it” -the mouse- into the wastebasket. Michael had to repeat his request three times before Sano opened his jaws and the fat mouse plopped into the plastic bag.
Sano was confused as to where his mouse went to and searched franticly with Kenshin and PJ’s help under and around the bed. Tomoe kept an eye on Michael and followed him out if the bedroom.
At this point, that mouse was out of my sight and I hoped Michael had given him a first class ticket to the moon…
Or, maybe toss him out the door.
The last mouse that was tossed out the door had been caught in a sticky mouse trap. Michael was afraid the cats would get into the garbage and get stuck in the glue. So he had chucked that sticky mess out the door. He figured on scraping it off the grass in the morning. Instead it landed right in the path of a coyote. Yapping loudly, that coyote raced across the fields with a rectangular piece of plastic and a struggling mouse stuck to his nose…
Picture from word clip art..