Nature Writing

I Howled At The Moon

Howling at the moon, orange halo around the moon, winds changed cold winds are blowing

I howled at the moon, laughed and howled again. Uriah tilted his head at me and sat down. He looked like he was enjoying my song. Maybe… Or not. I couldn’t get him to howl. I told him he was no fun. He thumped his tail against the ground.

 The moon may be full, but I have seen it larger. It was glowing white, like a flashlight shining through a window; it had a ring around it, bright white with an orange halo.

The winds have shifted. This afternoon they were blowing gently at me from the north-west. Right now, at seven o’clock, they were coming straight out of the west, strong enough to blow away the remaining leaves on the front lawn. And it was cold.

The clouds were very high up, possibly Cirrocumulus clouds. I could see them in the moonlight, racing across the sky.

I shivered my way back to the house, telling myself to hang a sweater next to my coat, so I won’t forget it when I go out tomorrow.  Tonight I will hide under the covers.

8 replies on “I Howled At The Moon”

I howled at the moon, loved this,often a time when animals react, and other things lol, they once said that mental hospitals in the 17th century residents would scream when there was a full moon, this was well written and enjoyable…

I was outside the night before you wrote this and the moon was huge and bright. Huge puffy clouds were flying by so close I felt as if I could touch them. I actually went to get my camera and try to capture it, but it was hard to get a good nighttime picture with the camera I had. I’ll email you a picture I did get.

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