Day 29: Two more days left of November’s Nanowrimo
You have written at least 50,000 words.By now you are thinking of editing your novel, others are looking into self-publishing.
I can tell you what I will be doing. I will take all those words, and list each scene, on its own index card.
1. I will list which characters are in the scene.
2. Timeframe.
3. Place/world
4. What is the crisis of the scene?
5. What is the desire of the scene
6. POV of that scene.
7. I will end up with a pile of sixty index cards.
Once I have all the scenes on their own index cards, I will do a Happy Dance. Then, I will put them in order and file away scenes that don’t fit in my story, scenes that don’t move the story forward.
Check out: Day 6 Freytag for the letter ‘F’
I will make sure my story moves from the main crisis, towards the resolution of that crisis.
Check out: Day 15 ‘O’ for a kiss outline
Then, I will rewrite each scene….
• I will make sure each scene is full of sensory detail.
• And that each scene has inner and outer conflict. (each step/scene will make it harder for my POV character)
• That my scene reflects the passage of time
• That I am staying in the POV of that scene.
• I end with a twist or insight into the POV character.
• That the scene advances the plot.
Check out: Day 17 ‘Q’ Questing Plot asking Quem Quaeritis
When a chapter has been rewritten, I will get rid of overused and redundant words.