I have been keeping up the word count for the National Novel Writing Month. But,… there is no way I can write a good novel in a month, at least not without a year of editing.
I started out without an idea, storyline or characters.
Then, I decided to use an odd character I drew up a few years back, she was never developed. Problems in my writing are caused by not rounding out characters, or just over thinking them.
I have a different storyline I have been working on and I didn’t want her to take over that universe.
So this one had to tell me who she was, what was her secret and flaw.
To keep her straight in my head, and allow her to move about. I followed what Michael told me, keep your ideas in one universe. I thought that will work! It would keep all my characters, and their reality’s straight.
So this character, -protagonist- is in the same world of a different storyline I am working on.
Once I set her in their world, the words started to flow.
She was not part of my first idea. She has her own problems. I am having fun.
I have no idea on what I will say in the videos beyond the date and word count. The videos last about two to three minutes. On Saturday, I was watching a Doctor Who marathon-well; we went hunting out the Doctor! I think lack of sleep is getting to me. I have to laugh at myself 🙂
This is to let everyone know, I am alive and well-crazy.
I hope everyone is doing great.