Nature Writing

The Cold Was Freezing My Brain~ Or, You Can’t Out Run A Werewolf In The Snow~

The winds are moving the snow into drifts and frozen designs while I am getting frostbite on the brain

Yawning, I glanced out the window.  Ice crystals had formed on the outside of the window, my breath steamed up the inside of the glass.

This morning the sun was shining brightly, and diamonds glittered off the pristine white snow. I stood there for a moment, shivered, as I admired the designs in the snow. It looked as though someone had dropped pebbles in water and the white ripples froze in place. They  seemed to appear randomly throughout the yard.  I knew the patterns were formed by very cold ground winds as they jumped from one high patch to the next.

Outside temperature was 0 degrees…

Inside the house I heard the winds howling as they moved under the eves and around the chimney, and then tried to push in through the gaps in the old windows.  I heard the sound of the deck popping from the cold. The boards were freezing.

I grabbed an old purple sweatshirt, pulled it on over my head and shuffled to the kitchen.   Before I do anything I need my morning coffee, at least a sip.  

 A short time later I was standing out at the end of the driveway in three feet of snow. Not too bad, considering yesterdays snow fall. This was soft; at least the snow blower might be able to plow through this.  It will be slow going. All that snow I couldn’t remove yesterday was frozen solid and lined the driveway in slippery uneven miniature icebergs.  

I lowered my scarf from my face and allowed the blast of cold to hit me straight on. It felt like my eyes froze. Ouch!

I made sure no cars were coming and stepped out of the drive looking down the road to the north. The street was a slick, sheet of ice. Then to the south where it was patchy, strips of ice and blacktop.

The winds raced across the road at ground level.  It looked as though someone had put dry ice in the ditch for miles in both directions. A snowy mist poured over the ditch onto the road, and raced along the ground to the other side.  

It did look a bit eerie.

I started laughing, my imagination was running wild, “Keep to the road, don’t walk in the moors, the werewolves will get you!”   Oh! That would look great! Trying to out run anything in this cold would have to happen in slow motion- by both parties.

The cold had to be freezing my brain!  There was no other explanation…

The tips of my fingers were hurting; I curled my hands up in my gloves.

Uriah paced in the snow, lifting one paw then the other. His head was covered in snow. He had been rolling in a snow drift.

“Come on, Uriah! Let’s go back in where it’s warmer.”

Picture From:

14 replies on “The Cold Was Freezing My Brain~ Or, You Can’t Out Run A Werewolf In The Snow~”

a wee spelling error dear seemes…. I know how u are articulate…:)

(ripples froze in place. They seemes to appear randomly )

Once again another imagery packed piece.I loved how you described what you saw from the window, even though it was just as cold inside lol, people have no idea how difficult it is to put on paper the very things u feel, and as a writer I think you capture imagery as if it was right there in front of u from a readers point of view…. BRAVO..:)

Thank you for the kind words of praise.
And a big Thank You for catching that typo. I fixed that mistake twice already. I wonder what’s up with WordPress. Yesterday, I found a few of my posts had lost their titles. All critiques are welcome.
This piece was longer, I took out a part that belonged in a story I was writing.

We don’t have werewolves in our neighborhood. If they feed on women I can understand why, ’cause all the ladies here are old and very tough. Besides it doesn’t get cold here. Oh, it did get down to 57 one morning, but… My human says cold will do strange things to your brain so I recommend you wear a fur cap. Arf! Arf!

I love your writing. It brings so many images in my mind.
It is cold now. Last week I was still wearing my fall coat and I was wondering when I would get the chance to test my new boots. Hehe
My cat is bugging me to go out but when I open the door and a blast of cold wind comes through the screen, like a block of humid cold, my cay retreats to the warmth of the kitchen. Then he stands at the door again. I think he forgot that winter lasts a wee bit longer than 10 minutes.

Well, that would be a lot of salt. Is your driveway paved?

I noticed they were salting the streets in Madrid – despite it being about 10-15F above freezing.

I suspect it is preventative since it is supposed to dip below freezing tonight. I still find it odd, since there is very little chance of precipitation.

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