It has taken me a while to get to lesson 20; time flies, flu happens over and over, add in stress, which takes away everything, and there you have a jump in time, forward and away, from when I was supposed to post this.
Lucky for me I can jump in my time machine and you will be looking at the date posted, scratching your head and wondering what I am talking about… With this strange intro finished here is Lesson 20.

James Patterson starts with a long exhale and makes a sound like his doctor is checking his tonsils. Sort of like this… Ahhhhhhhh!
James Patterson looks down and to the left, scratches the right side of his head above his ear with his right pinky finger then he looks up at the camera and says to someone off camera: “Before I answer this I gotta take a shot.” He picks up a glass, raises it slightly towards the camera, and tosses back his drink; turns his head to the right, shakes his head, eyes closed tight and makes a heavier more harsh, “Auhhh” sound, as the sharpness of the drink slides down his throat. Then he turns towards the camera, blinks a couple of times, staring straight ahead and bitterly says, “Hollywood!”
In this lesson, we are told, by James Patterson that when Hollywood comes-ah-knocking it is wonderful, they are wonderful, that …“Knock, Knock it’s Hollywood” is an amazing thing to hear,-they want your book. You can’t believe how nice they will be… then he adds; “it’s all lies”

He tells us that it is the best thing, and you are lucky when they start shooting your movie. That once it happens, enjoy it and don’t take it all too seriously.
“The novelist ranks below the caterer on a movie shoot- they know why the cater is there they have no idea why the novelist is there”…
Now, if that were me, I would be checking out that appetizing catering cart. I would be there for that Caterer. I would be wondering what was on his cart, mentally picking out what I can’t eat, counting calories and centering in on the salads or fruit.
Hmmmm! That pretend movie set in my mind, where I can eat anything …and still I will gain weight. (Oh! Stop whining and get back to lesson 20 and James Patterson)
James Patterson tells us, that his best Hollywood experience was guest starring on the Simpsons, March 4, 2007, in “Yokel Chords” which is the fourteenth episode of the eighteenth season of The Simpsons He was riding a white horse across a beach in Marge’s fantasy.

Speaking of Hollywood and having your novel made into a screenplay Mr. Patterson said. “Just laugh at this stuff better have a sense of humor if you are going it sell it out there.” Great advice!
You can listen to this lesson at and hear more of what he has to say about Hollywood and editors, and agents, just click on the link; top left.
Here are previous lessons.