Nature photos Nature Writing Poetry Writers Site

Poems and Pictures, Kittens Never Seem to Sleep!~ Or, Wednesday is Pussy Cat Picture Day!~

Michael disappeared with my camera yesterday. When I downloaded the pictures to the computer I found these. Pictures of PJ,  Tomoe and Kenshin sleeping, while the young brother and sister, Sanosuke and Kaoru,  wrestle and keep an eye on Uriah.


Sleeping cats

                    can sleep

                                 like no other

Safe and warm,

                        happy and

                                        well fed

Smiles and grins

                         after wrestling and

                                                        a frantic chase

Surrendering to  

                       hunger and

                                      natures call

Sleeping  kittens

                        wrapped in a catnap

                                                        lovingly as one…Purr to me