Lesson 8

James Patterson holds up a yellow legal pad and says, “This is the enemy, the blank page.”
Just get that first draft down. Like everyone James Patterson can have trouble getting those words down on paper, getting them down so they sound and feel right.
“A writer who waits for ideal conditions under which to work will die without putting a word on paper.”~ E.B. White
To cut through my writer’s block, I tried a dictation software. Where my words were typed out for me. That didn’t work. ‘If ‘what I spoke out loud, wasn’t what was typed. Which, disappointedly it wasn’t. Instead it caused more writer’s block and anger at myself for trying to do something new, instead of just writing and editing later…I will answer emails or wash dishes instead of writing. So using that software was my way at procrastinating.
Back to James.
If he isn’t getting it, he puts TBD (To Be Done) then comes back to it. Blocks happen. When you get blocked just move on.
James said, “Like when your trying to do a sport and you get all tense, that’s not going to work. You’re going to strike out.”
Seven days a week, Mr. Patterson gets up early and skims through two or three papers, and a cup of coffee. It takes him about fifteen minute. Then he starts writing. He writes in pencil, on yellow legal pad. He has an assistant to type up his handwritten ideas.
I want an assistant. 🙂 She can help vacuum up all the cat hair. I bet James has a maid to do his vacuuming …yes, I am getting off track.
James Patterson will read what he ‘just’ wrote and edits that only.
What I got from this video is you need to find a way to make your mind a blank. So you can recharge. This makes sense. When I get stressed, I can’t write. When my mind is full I can’t write.
Stay Focused
James has always been able to tune out the world and focus on what he is doing.
I will need to take all my crazy personalities off to the side and have a talk with them. Maybe I just need to yell ‘Shut up’ not that they will listen…Some people can use music to find that place where they can write. I need quiet. Find your quiet place.
James Patterson can tune out anything. He is able to concentrate. He does one thing at a time. If you learn how to tune out everything, learn to focus on one thing. Concentrate on that one thing. Then you then can get into the story, into the scene.
James Patterson writes seven days a week, he loves it!
“Do the best you can possibly do.” James Patterson said, “Aim for the stars.”
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