Moments of silence,Form around my morning coffeeI stare out into spaceMy hands wrapped around my favorite mugThick and heavy and whitePictures of writers, writing…I found it at a book store coffee shopLoved it so much, I went back for anotherIt has become part of my morningsSteamy aroma, waftsAround, up and over, edgingBetween my thoughtsBlank pagesWait for my coffeeTo push me into a writing modeEspresso grind of inspirationMy hands warmed, I set my favorite mug asideAnd stare out the window…
wow your early lol, this was superb dear, your poetry is as fine as your stories, loved this thursday poem xx
This morning , I was a bit frazzled and didn’t realize it was wednesday. LOL! Oh well! I am ahead of myself.
Thank you, HAve a great Thursday,..err Wednesday LOL!!
Gerardine xx
creative writing,
very cute and hospital, I feel like being with u drinking a cup of coffee,
smell the fresh and sweet smell, 😉
Thank you, enjoy your coffee.
I love the poem and the peacefulness about it. I especially liked the line “Espresso grind of inspiration,” as well as the photo that goes with the poem. It adds an extra element that words alone don’t quite bring.
Half Pint,
Thank you! The photo wasn’t suppose to have the cat, but Kenshin appears whenever I pull out the camera.
Gerardine Baugh
I enjoyed this. Great line: “Espresso grind of inspiration”
Thank you.
wonderful…i often find inspiration in my morning cup..and you brought that to life….
brian miller,
Thank you!
see now this is my perfect morning…that i never – ok hardly ever – get. ahhh…to be able to write all day. my one day is coming! ;^)
I am still waiting for that day, seems like ‘stuff’ gets in the way.
Thank you for commenting, have a great day!
I like how staring out the window seems to be what you “warm up” for. I wish I had more time to plan on abandon, these days.
I never plan , to do nothing, it just sneeks up on me:-)
i can relate, totally.
Enjoy your coffee, and have a great weekend!
The part about the smell of coffee getting between your thoughts was sweet. It’s an unexpected turn of phrase, but I totally get what you mean.
Thank you,
oh it sounds so incredibly peaceful, to the point of relaxing me when I read it,
with 10 kids in my house right now, you KNOW you did a great job, lol
With ten kids, I hope you find sometime to enjoy your coffee!
Hugs* Gerardine
29 replies on “Inspiration Found In A Cup Of Coffee~Jingles Thursdays Poetry~”
[…] Posted- Have a great day… […]
wow your early lol, this was superb dear, your poetry is as fine as your stories, loved this thursday poem xx
This morning , I was a bit frazzled and didn’t realize it was wednesday. LOL! Oh well! I am ahead of myself.
Thank you, HAve a great Thursday,..err Wednesday LOL!!
Gerardine xx
creative writing,
very cute and hospital, I feel like being with u drinking a cup of coffee,
smell the fresh and sweet smell, 😉
Thank you, enjoy your coffee.
I love the poem and the peacefulness about it. I especially liked the line “Espresso grind of inspiration,” as well as the photo that goes with the poem. It adds an extra element that words alone don’t quite bring.
Half Pint,
Thank you! The photo wasn’t suppose to have the cat, but Kenshin appears whenever I pull out the camera.
Gerardine Baugh
I enjoyed this. Great line: “Espresso grind of inspiration”
Thank you.
wonderful…i often find inspiration in my morning cup..and you brought that to life….
brian miller,
Thank you!
see now this is my perfect morning…that i never – ok hardly ever – get. ahhh…to be able to write all day. my one day is coming! ;^)
I am still waiting for that day, seems like ‘stuff’ gets in the way.
Thank you for commenting, have a great day!
I like how staring out the window seems to be what you “warm up” for. I wish I had more time to plan on abandon, these days.
I never plan , to do nothing, it just sneeks up on me:-)
i can relate, totally.
Enjoy your coffee, and have a great weekend!
The part about the smell of coffee getting between your thoughts was sweet. It’s an unexpected turn of phrase, but I totally get what you mean.
Thank you,
oh it sounds so incredibly peaceful, to the point of relaxing me when I read it,
with 10 kids in my house right now, you KNOW you did a great job, lol
With ten kids, I hope you find sometime to enjoy your coffee!
Hugs* Gerardine
an award 4 u,
brand new and cool!
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Jingle, Thank you I found it.
This poem gives a feeling of peacefulness and utter calm 🙂
Loved reading it.
Thank you
Here is a Fabulous award for you 🙂
Thank you I grabbed it !
I loved it..
One can really get attached to small but vital things in life..
Like a cup of coffee, aroma, scent, or even some music..
The simple things are the best.