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Reflection At Dawn!~Or, I’ll Have A Coffee Minus The Bugs!~

I was up with the sun this morning

I was up at four thirty this morning. I wandered around the quiet house, then I opened the blinds and kitchen door and stepped outside onto the deck to watch and listen to the sunrise. Birds raised their voices in the cool morning air and sang.

When I make a video I try and choose the best audio I believe fits with the visual aspects. Doesn’t always work…

But, standing out in the early morning sunrise I don’t think anyone could have chosen any sounds better for this moment.

Yellow pink clouds in a clear baby blue sky, mists rising off the fields and the sun slowly rising in the east. I watched as the colors deepened to reds and yellows.

“Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning” I whispered to the Robin sitting on the roof.

The odd weather we have been having lately, baking in the humid heat, to storms with seventy five mile and hour winds, I wonder what today will bring. Behind me to the west the sky was a deep misty grey. I guessed maybe around noon I should see what Mother Nature has in store for us.

Uriah complained. He wanted to go outside. I pushed past the cats huddled near the screen. All were hopefully waiting for a bird or a horsefly to come their way. Kaoru talks to flies and Sanosuke eats them.

“Eat too many and you’re going to throw up!” I warn him over and over.

Kenshin stands close by and in total agreement about the flies.  He had to be given antibiotics because of his infatuation with flies. Now he ignores them. 

Uriah whined again. I let him out through the garage doors, then came back inside and collected his breakfast. Some Iams dry food, two liver snaps and a beef basted dog bone.

By the time I stepped outside he was already hunting out his ‘mouse’ formally known as, That Rat.

If, I call it a mouse he chases it. If, I call it a rat, well, I think he hears cat and we don’t chase cats.

I took a few moments to notice the wet grass and the chilly air was a bit more uncomfortable, while standing in the grass, than on the deck.

Still, early mornings, in the summertime, remind me of camping.

I would wake up starving and make an attempt to light a fire. Some worked most didn’t. When the fire started I would fry some bacon in a pan, add an egg or two and pull out some stale bread, which I would toast by setting on the edge of the pan. 

When the wet wood refused to burn; I would let my nose find breakfast. In state parks they have a small store, with a little area where they cooked up and sold a breakfast of pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage and coffee, milk or juice. Sitting around on a damp picnic table wrapped in a sweat shirt, half asleep, eating like I was starving  in that cool damp morning air, and usually the only meal without the added protein of bugs. Was a wonderful adventure! And that food was amazing!

The sun lifted up over the trees. Bright white yellow and reflecting off the mist and dew everything sparkled.

Uriah munched on his breakfast and I headed into the house for some pancakes and coffee, minus the bugs…

Happy Father’s Day!

13 replies on “Reflection At Dawn!~Or, I’ll Have A Coffee Minus The Bugs!~”

Your picture Gerardine is simply beautiful, and your story is awesome. You made me feel like I was right there looking at the sky turn red, and man could I smell those bacon, eggs, sausage, pancakes, and most important coffee. WOW! I am hungry now. LOL You have a good day my friend, and give Uriah hugs for me.

now how do I never see this when I waken up LOL, this was a lovely story and that dawn is to die for, the rhythm and relaxation your stories bring are a breath of fresh air, your like a soft musical extravaganza, but your is in words 🙂 wish Michael a happy Fathers day, and you have a great day too, and THANK YOU, for all your kind comments on my blog 🙂 xxx

I am so happy you enjoyed this , you really don’t want to see a red sky in the morning. The rain started before noon. Very odd weather we have been having . Even when its not raining it is hard to breath, the air is very heavy.
I told Michael and he repeated it back for you. Thank you william, I hope you had a great fathers day and have an even better week!
Gerardine xx

Happy Father’s Day to Dads in your life,
lovely post.
Thank you for stopping by and enjoy a delghtful sunday.

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