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Youtube Video of Sanosuke And Kaoru, “This Is Love!”!~ Or, Computer Dating Is For The Birds!~

Identifying birds, teasing cats, and making a video of Sanosuke bathing his sister…


I was shifting through bird names and I pulled up, Dickcissel.  Then I Googled the Dickcissel’s picture; he looks similar to some of the smaller song birds I saw in the Blue Spruce just outside the window next to the computer.

Then I played the  Dickcisselcall/song, both Sanosuke and Kaoru sat up and listened.  As the young cats ran out of the room my attention turned back to checking my email. I had closed the site with the bird’s song, so when I heard a bird singing again I automatically rechecked my task bar.

 It’s like checking if I left the iron on…not that I use the iron anymore.

 It took me a minute to realize, that singing bird was coming from outside the window, in the Blue Spruce. And that bird was talking to my computer. Hmmm!

What all this rambling means is I added a Dickcissel to my list of birds I have seen and heard.

I took this picture while standing in the kitchen, hiding behind the counter and zooming in through the window. The bird, I believe, is a Brown Thrasher.

What do you think?

I played the Brown Thrasher’s song and Sanosuke and Kaoru went crazy, again.  I really shouldn’t laugh when they start jumping from window ledge, to window ledge all excited, but I couldn’t help myself.

For fun, I put together this video. Enjoy!

8 replies on “Youtube Video of Sanosuke And Kaoru, “This Is Love!”!~ Or, Computer Dating Is For The Birds!~”

awe isnt it cute to watch animals playing and natures finest in picture form, loved the story and had a good laugh, even though I am supposed to be working shhhh, hope u have a fab day dear, and many thanks for all your kind comments. xxx

Oh, the video is so cute. I love watching animals, they give us human so much joy. Yes I agree with you, I believe the bird is a Brown Thrasher. I love sitting on my patio early morning and late night listening to the birds. It is so peaceful.

That really was kinda mean! I do stuff like that all the time, it is just way too funny!

Half of the birds I see and hear, I have no clue what kind they are. They are just so neat to watch and listen.

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