Here is a video from Rebecca Novak she took these pictures at the Dekalb Animal Control in Georgia.
I laughed and cried as I watched these dogs on death row.
Please! Pass this on!
I was going to post this as a response to a comment. Then I decided it needed to be posted up front with the video.
Pit-Bulls are tortured to be mean. Pit-bulls were bred to be a nursemaid; a family’s protector.
We should have stricter laws protecting animals from abusers and exploiters.
But, so many people turn away from the anger and evil, allowing the exploiters to treat animals and people so cruelly. It filters into everyday living. We can see it in the oil spill, and the disregard for life there.
It is sad we can’t even fully protect humans from cruelty.
When that cruelty falls on innocent animals, and then rolls over children due to the disrespect and self-serving greed of an abuser, then we all feel the pain.
There are more than Pit-Bulls in that video. Maybe some one will adopt them.
Also, Rebecca Novak won’t allow a dog to go to a home with out training both the dog and the owners.
She works with a team of wonderful animal rescuers in Georgia.
This morning when I opened Uriah’s dog food container I noticed it was very low. I usually set the bag of dry food inside a tall plastic container, so each time I scoop out a cup I don’t have to lift the bag. Today I lifted a nearly empty bag.
Time to go dog food shopping!
Uriah has a bad habit of not eating what I give him, at least not right away. When his brothers were alive he would tease them with his food. They ate faster then he did, with his usual, “I am starting trouble!” grin! He would sit on his food and wait. Literally! Sit on his food! So when they were finished and came nosing around he would show off by slowly eating in front of them.
Uriah, set in his ways, keeps up that play. With no one to show off to, Uriah wanders off and those country rats steal each morsel right under his nose. A problem starts when the mice take his food and carry it into the cars engines.
To get Uriah to eat I have to stand next to his food bowl, no matter where it is.
Or, I try to anyway. Uriah is a dog that has the ability to ‘out wait’ anyone.
He can hold his pee for hours, then still wander around and hold it in until I can’t take it any more. I will stand next to a bush and pretend that I’m lifting my leg, until Uriah looks likes he’s laughing at me, and then joins in.
Today I opened the garage doors and pulled out my car. I opened the engine and Uriah helped me look under the hood.
Mouse poop littered the top of the engine!
I loosened the air filter and pulled it out. Mouse poop inside under the air filter! Great! When I had taken my car last month for a fix on a recall, I had to dish out an extra eight hundred dollars to remove a ten pound bag of dog food from my air intake. Lovely little Mice!
Michael had a doctor’s appointment on Friday. He took his old Saturn, not trusting my mouse condo. *His car saved our lives in an accident in 2004. A young girl on a cell phone..* So he totally trusts it to fend off mice:-)
Michael came home two hours late riding in the cab of a tow truck. Seems the mice may have invaded his engine too. Lack of a dollar, means his car is now a paper weight in the garage.
Back to Uriah helping with my engine!
I pulled out the Shop Vac and vacuumed up mice poop on my engine. Then I popped the hood of the Saturn. I removed the air filter and didn’t see any mice droppings. Michel told me, that the air intake was under the car, and that will need to be removed to find the problem.
If a mouse was sucked into the engine…well, bye, bye engine. I can’t crawl under that car …
I stepped outside with Uriah and we both contemplated the problem. Or, I should say all three of us thought about it! Me and Uriah, and That Rat who was sitting near the door on his hind legs watching us with a thoughtful, “what’s going on guys?” look…
I jumped when I saw that reddish- brown haired rat. He in turn jumped and raced into the horseradish plant as I yelled after him. “We are not your family! Stupid Rat!”
Hmmm! I wonder if he could be trained to keep the mice out of the garage.
I looked down at Uriah; he never made a move to chase the rat. But he did take a mouth full of his food and started to chew, slowly.
Sanosuke had me laughing this morning. So I made a video for fun. Enjoy!
I was shifting through bird names and I pulled up, Dickcissel. Then I Googled the Dickcissel’s picture; he looks similar to some of the smaller song birds I saw in the Blue Spruce just outside the window next to the computer.
Then I played the Dickcisselcall/song, both Sanosuke and Kaoru sat up and listened. As the young cats ran out of the room my attention turned back to checking my email. I had closed the site with the bird’s song, so when I heard a bird singing again I automatically rechecked my task bar.
It’s like checking if I left the iron on…not that I use the iron anymore.
It took me a minute to realize, that singing bird was coming from outside the window, in the Blue Spruce. And that bird was talking to my computer. Hmmm!
What all this rambling means is I added a Dickcissel to my list of birds I have seen and heard.
I took this picture while standing in the kitchen, hiding behind the counter and zooming in through the window. The bird, I believe, is a Brown Thrasher.
What do you think?
I played the Brown Thrasher’s song and Sanosuke and Kaoru went crazy, again. I really shouldn’t laugh when they start jumping from window ledge, to window ledge all excited, but I couldn’t help myself.
With one of my cats, PJ sitting to my right I finally began typing out this Blog. The past week has been full of gardening fun, rain, high humidity, cold weather and todays temperatures pushed me into air-conditioning. The range has been maddeningly painful.
Last Saturday a family of magical beings came by and helped turn over the garden and plant some vegetables. They stayed only about three hours, but during that time I was able to talk to, and walk around with three little boys, while their parents grunted and groaned, as they dug, straightened and chopped up large chunks of dirt and moved around rocks.
When the boys spotted the rocks, the middle one was enthralled by the odd shapes and sizes. He wanted to take some home so they could make their own, Stonehenge under a tree in their back yard. I was in agreement, so a pile was formed and a box appeared from the barn, a sturdy box that would hold all the rocks. Their father didn’t’ realize those rocks, when placed in a box, would weigh a ton and a hernia, until he tried to pick them up.
Being a magical family, the boys had hoped to float the box of rocks above the ground. But alas, they forgot their fairy dust and had to settle on using a simple dolly.
In the meantime, Uriah was being ridden like a horse. A horse that was too tired to stand. He laid on the ground while the youngest boy sat upon his back and held tight to his ears. I was worried Uriah wouldn’t like this, but when I saw his furry face he had a happy doggy grin. Finally, Uriah got tired of the game and stood up. Luckily the littlest guy was expecting this to happen, so he jumped off Uriah and gave him a big hug.
Uriah heard something in the trees and did his slow walk towards them. He kept looking back at me. When I finally turned my back, he slipped in-between the trees. Totally vanishing between the green leaves and heavy branches
Uriah’s normal disappearing act caused great distress to the youngest boy. He called Uriah’s name over and over, it must have seemed like hours to him instead of minutes, until Uriah reappeared to hugs and kisses. Uriah looked up at me, I shrugged and he happily trotted off with the little guy running along behind him.
Because of that extra help, I was able to plant a large amount in a short time.
This morning the rain was still pouring down, watering the seeds and plants, allowing the garden to take root, now, that also means the weeds will have a fighting chance too. I haven’t used weed killers or inhibitors in many a year. I prefer the old fashion wrestling techniques… I pull and the weeds pull back:-)
This tree is growing in my neighbor’s yard and a couple further out back on my property. They are in bloom. Multiple bright orange flowers, with a center that is an odd misshapen ball. Flower pedals that are tube shaped, bright orange and soft sticking out all over it. The pedals are closing and melting in on itself. Odd..
We have had a large amount of water and the North side of the property is under water and the front pond is over flowing. We aren’t in the tropics and this to me, looks similar to a less spiky, Sea Urchin. I wouldn’t mind living in Hawaii, but even there I don’t believe Sea Urchins live in trees. I could be wrong..
Sorry, can't find the link to this picture. I thought it was from Wikipedia. It is a Sea Urchin.
I did a Google search and couldn’t find a flowering evergreen that even came close to this description.
Years ago my neighbor may have told me those were Cedar trees. Hoping I remembered that correctly, I Google ‘orange flowers on cedar trees.’ What came up was, that this tree maybe infected with Cedar-apple rust gall, which is described as an orange gelatinous with telial horns protruding.
Strange days indeed…
This is rather odd, but a pretty fungus, at least from my prospective, as I snapped these pictures.
I did see some galls (abnormal outgrowths) from the previous year connected to some of the branches. In this picture you can see one directly under the orange flower.
Even after finding the information on, Cedar-apple rust gall, I am still wondering “is this real?”
Over the years, I have seen those odd galls growing on the branches and never saw any damage to the Cedars themselves. On the other hand, I have had some fungus issues with my apple trees. I just thought it was old age, too much water, Uriah and the deer nibbling on the branches…
Michael disappeared with my camera yesterday. When I downloaded the pictures to the computer I found these. Pictures of PJ, Tomoe and Kenshin sleeping, while the young brother and sister, Sanosuke and Kaoru, wrestle and keep an eye on Uriah.
This afternoon we had a small dust storm. The farmer across the road from me had turned over his field during the past week. Today the winds picked up the dirt and manure from his fields and ran it straight north.
The wind tunnel was an interesting sight. So I decided to Video tape it for you. I was really glad the wind didn’t shift and come out of the west and head east. That would have brought all the dust down on me.
Check out the video. I add a short poem.
Winds blastacross the open fieldPushing in from the southtearing to the northToo closeYet, just far enough awayI should head back to the houseIf the winds shiftI will be coveredin dust and manureA powdery layerThat will coat everythingThis Place isDubbed…Tornado AlleyNot that one ever hit the houseThey all seem to jump overto somewhere elseAs political winds doUnless they want to cost you moneyThen they stay, andrip your roof offFor now I watchI lean against my carIt convulsesas the windbeats against itin an attempt to push itand meoff this road…
Last Tuesday morning I was talking on the phone and surfing the internet, while checking hundreds of emails. When I decided to pull up the Tails web site, which is the Pet rescue place where we adopted Sanosuke in February of this year.
I had sent Tails a copy and link to my Blog story about Sanosuke, the one where I wrote about his adoption. Soon after that Blog posting, Sano’s litter mates were adopted and their pictures disappeared off the adoption site. So when I pulled up their site I was very surprised to see a kitten that looked like one of Sano’s sisters. Her name was Hershey.
I was curious about her history. Why was she still there? Was she brought back? Maybe I was wrong! Cats look very similar, right?
I pulled out Sanosuke’s file and compared the litter numbers; they matched except for the last two digits. Which made sense each kitten would have their own number.
Biting my nails I clicked off the site and went about to reading emails.
Then my curiosity got to me and I called Tails and asked if any of Sanosuke’s litter mates where still there. I gave my phone number to the woman and was told I would get a call back.
Within thirty minutes Tails called back. I was told; one of Sano’s sisters had never been adopted. When the other kittens were adopted they moved her out of the cage into the cat room. It wasn’t a good place for her. She was placed in a room that was being closed off due to a fungal infection.
I was told she was never ill. She never had an infection! Yet, she had to go through the incubation period of nearly two months while she got dipped; physically held down under water with only her eyes and mouth showing. The process can make a cat crazy and this kitten was in a room with a lot of other cats that needed help. They only had two wonderful people to take care of them physically and mentally. Hershey wasn’t given the attention she needed. So her mental health was set to the side while they dealt with other cats, seemly, more stressed than her.
I felt claustrophobic just hearing about it.
Now if you had read my original story on Sanosuke, you would know that he and his litter mates had very little human contact, besides getting medical care and being fed. We were warned he was nearly feral.
Now, here I was hearing that she may never be just right, ‘and’ she will need a lot of one-on-one care. ‘And’ she wasn’t very social. ‘And’ she would freak when someone came near her. I thanked the woman for calling me back and hung up.
Then I hunted down Michael and told him the story.
Michael asked what I was going to do. One more kitten would be an expense. But then again cats are very clean and social animals. But this one may be broken. Then he walked away from me…
It took me ten minutes of thinking.
The cats I had for years were from a mama kitty. She was my daughter’s first animal rescue. My daughter was ten years old at that time. I had been very surprised when that little cat gave birth, in the closet, within a month of coming into the house. Her kittens never left my life. The last one, Sandy died at eighteen while I held her.
I grabbed my keys and headed for the car. Michael laughed and called out the door. “Don’t come back without her!”
When I entered Tails, the receptionist looked up and smiled and asked me if, I was there to adopt Hershey?
Laughing I asked, how she knew? She told me Michael had already called and informed them I was coming for her.
I filled out some paperwork while she located someone to help me.
A wonderfully patient volunteer took me in a room to talk. “When you saw, Hershey how did you get along with her? Was she friendly?”
I had to be honest; I haven’t seen her since we adopted Sanosuke and I told her so. I did ask, if Hershey was the kitten that had been staring at me though the glass wall? She had spotted me when I walked in and we had ‘a moment’ through the glass. I cooed. And she stared.
I was told that was her.
Then, I explained that I was taking, Hershey home to her brother.
The woman looked at me quietly and said. “He may not remember her.”
“He will!” I said with a smile. “I have fed and observed feral cats for years. They know a family member when they are reunited.”
I don’t think she believed me…
She was trying to stop me from being disappointed.
When I said, “They just need to be shown to each other gently and with love.”
The interview was over and I finished signing the papers.
Hershey was placed in a room for me to observe her, and allowing me time to change my mind. I was warned not to enter the room. I was told; she would freak due to her history and lack of human contact, and may hurt me or herself. I needed to wait before I entered the room. She had just clawed the technician who brought her to me
I waited a few minutes for the kitten to move away from the door. Then I entered the room.
I sat on the chair and waited.
She hid behind a chair and stared.
She had a look in her eyes similar to the animals on the commercials that have been abused. So sad and scared! I started talking telling her about her brother. She wasn’t listening to me at all.
Cats need to form a bond with humans in order to see them. Otherwise they have eyes only for other cats. Here she was, stuck in a room with a human. And the only other people she knew would grab her and give her medicine and didn’t have time to play.
Carefully I moved the chair she was hiding behind and picked her up. She was stiff and extremely frighten. I started to rock her like a baby, and then she leaned against me without relaxing.
During this time I could hear the sound of the puppies and dogs from the doggie area. I wanted to go see them, but not today.
So many animals calling out for someone to love!
When I brought her home, Michael grabbed the carrier from the care and carefully set it down in the living room.
Tomoe hissed and hid.
Kenshin glared and hid.
PJ walked up and said, hello. When she hissed at him, PJ looked like his feelings were hurt.
Sanosuke, slowly
walked up
to the carrier.
They touched noses, and made happy sounds. She reached through the bars and gentle touched Sano’s head. He rubbed against the cage as she cried loudly from inside. Sanosuke sat and watched, as we set her up in a cage in the living room. He never stopped taking to her!
They remembered each other and both are very happy. We changed her name to Kaoru…
Helping an animal doesn’t mean you have to adopt. You could volunteer, or donate money, or cat and dog crates, or baby blankets or new toys.
If everyone can save just one animal, just one.. Just think how wonderful that would be!
Last night I had washed my hair before going to bed. I was so tired I couldn’t wait for my hair to dry, so I placed a hand towel across my pillow. This morning I crawled out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom. This is what I saw when I came back to bed.
I was able to grab the camera and take pictures without waking up Tomoe. She slept for three hours before she had to hit the litter box. Tomoe owns the bed after I get up. It was very early and I wasn’t ready to get up. She didn’t care.
Then Uriah needed to go.
I resigned myself to the day starting very early and set off outside into the early morning sunshine. Birds screamed at me as I carefully walked around spider webs and newly opened dandelions. Uriah barreled under the pink crabapple blossoms and stepped on the greenish-reddish stalks of unopened peonies. I noticed the Lilac’s flowers were still in the small budding stage in a few more days I will smell their fragrant perfume. I probably won’t bring them indoors, Sano eats everything. I don’t believe they are poisonous to cats. But he will make a mess of them.
When I came back in I noticed the coffee was already brewing. Michael had gotten up when I took Uriah out and set up the coffee pot. In a daze of complete coffee bliss I told Michael he was like a God to me. Bad move! He kept repeating that all day. Very irritating!
Yesterday I had heard on the radio that the Tick season has started in Illinois. Great! Ticks love me! Any Tick, in a ten mile radius, will jump its way on over to me.
Michael thinks it’s hilarious, when Ticks leap from the grass and trees towards me.
We are not amused! Heavy sigh!
Well, yesterday evening I took Uriah for a walk and came back inside. Not thinking about Ticks at all… It was a cool evening, not summer cool but that spring cold where you’re wondering if it will snow by morning, definitely not insect weather. I walked into the kitchen to get a drink of water and noticed a slow moving black bug on my arm. I brushed it into the sink and called Michael to tell me what it was. I didn’t have on my glasses, so it could have been a spider or a piece of dirt. I was surprised he said it was a Tick and quickly washed it down the drain.
I asked him if he could see any more. Arms out, I did slow turn.
Leer, leer! Wink, wink!
“Just look for Ticks!” I grumbled and rolled my eyes.
Michael announced I was Tick free. He was wrong…I was wearing black pants and Ticks love dark colors. I sat down and noticed a shiny little body crawling on my pant leg. Then another and another…Eeek!
i have been ticked!does anyone have a tipa tip to trick a ticki have used deep woods offand worn lighter colorsi have smashed and brushed and flickedthose little buggers into the trees the toilet, and the sinki have danced and screamedran in circles and swore..april thru juneare the days of the tickor so I am toldi have seen them in october…little shiny black vibrating bugsgo ride a deer, andstay away from me!